Hygienepassport.fi - Online Store

Welcome to Hygienepassport.fi Online Store!

Find useful material for preparing for the Hygiene Passport test in Finnish, Swedish, English, Arabic, Thai, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish and Russian. You can also purchase training time to our online training platform Trainify.fi. Additionally, we have a range of gift cards that can be used to buy a Hygiene Passport test or Trainify.fi training time.

Please contact Hygienepassport.fi's customer service if you want to order by company invoice or you are interested in making a larger order.

If you are Hygienepassport.fi's customer and have lost you Hygiene Passport, you can order a new one through this online store. Please note that Hygienepassport.fi's test instructors can order a new Hygiene Passport only for their testees.

Book orders and deliveries:

Single books are delivered to your home address to Finland as a letter via Posti. Unfortunately we do not deliver abroad. If you wish to track your order you can pay for an additional handling and postage fee and your order will be sent as a package. Please note Posti's delivery and distribution times when placing your order to ensure you receive the material in time for your Hygiene Passport test. You can also pick up your order from our office (Iso Roobertinkatu 20-22 A, 3rd floor, 00120 Helsinki). Please agree the date and time for the pickup separately with our customer service. Read more about our terms and conditions here.


<p>Opiskele hygieniaosaamisen perusteet elintarvikealan ammattilaisten laatimilla oppitunneilla. Testaa taitosi tekemällä harjoitustestejä yli 700 väittämän tietopankista. Pelinomainen oppimisympäristö Opi ja harjoittele missä ja milloin vain Sisältää 8 kurssia ja 20 oppituntia Yli 700 väittämän tietopankki Reaaliaikainen palaute vastauksiin Kertaa sinulle haastavia kysymyksiä kustomoiduissa testeissä Lataa Trainify-sovellus ja menesty hygieniapassitestissäsi.<br></p>
