Hygiene Passport – Material
Hygienepassport.fi recommends familiarizing yourself thoroughly with the areas of food hygiene as well as the vocabulary and terms of the food industry before taking the hygiene passport exam. You can choose the best way to prepare for yourself: study using the Trainify app (material also in English), attend training or purchase a physical textbook. We offer online training in English, Arabic and Finnish.
Trainify | Study and train in a mobile app in English, Finnish and Russian
In the Trainify mobile app, you can both study the theory of food hygiene and test your skills with over 700 practice questions. You can practice theory by topic or by taking complete practice tests, where the service mixes statements into question sets from different areas. Each test statement is explained to support learning.
- Game-like learning environment
- Includes 8 courses and 20 lessons
- Practice for the test with over 700 questions
- Study anytime, anywhere
- Languages: Finnish, English and Russian
Useful self-study material is easily available in Hygienepassport.fi Online Store. Written material can be ordered in Finnish, Swedish, English, Arabic, Thai, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish and Russian languages.
Please see Hygienepassport.fi's material recommendations through the links below.
Material in English
- Trainify app (Nuumi Oy)
- Basic Facts of Food Hygiene book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- Hygiene Passport (Finnish Food Authority)
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–English (Opetushallitus)
Material in Finnish
- Trainify-mobiilisovellus (Nuumi Oy)
- Hygieniaopas - Elintarvikehygienian perusteet book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- Ruokaa hygieenisesti - Hygieniaosaaminen selkokielellä -peli (Opetushallitus)
- Lupa kokata - Elintarvikehygienian perusteet (Ruokatieto Yhdistys ry)
- Lupa kokata – Tulostettava oppilasmateriaali (Ruokatieto Yhdistys ry)
- Tietoa elintarvikehygieniasta (Finnish Food Authority)
- Oiva (Finnish Food Authority)
- Purtavaa puhtaasti (Lihateollisuuden tutkimuskeskus)
Material in Swedish
- Grunderna i livsmedelshygien book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- God Hygien - Säkra Livsmedel(Köttindustrins forskningscentral)
- Hygienkompetens (Finnish Food Authority)
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Swedish (Opetushallitus)
Material in Arabic
- asāsiyyāt hayjīniyā al-aghziya book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- Trainify.fi – By request and for the Arabic test attendees (Osaamistehdas Oy)
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Arabic (Opetushallitus)
Material in Estonian
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Estonian (Opetushallitus)
Material in Russian
- Trainify-mobiilisovellus / Trainify mobile app (Nuumi Oy)
- Osnovy gigieny produktov pitanija book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Russian (Opetushallitus)
Material in Thai
- Sukhaanamai phalittaphan aahaan book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Thai (Opetushallitus)
Material in Chinese
- Shipin weisheng de jichu book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Chinese (Opetushallitus)
Material in Turkish
- Temel gıda hijyen kılavuzu book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Turkish (Opetushallitus)
Material in Spanish
- Higiene alimenticia - datos basicos book (Hygienepassport.fi Online Store)
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Spanish (Opetushallitus)
Material in Persian
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Persian (Opetushallitus)
Material in Polish
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Polish (Opetushallitus)
Material in Romanian
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Romanian (Opetushallitus)
Material in Somali
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Somali (Opetushallitus)
Material in Vietnamese
- Food Hygiene Vocabulary Finnish–Vietnamese (Opetushallitus)
Hygiene Passport – Model Test and Questions
Hygiene Passport Test in English
Model questions in English (Finnish Food Authority)
Model questions and answers in English (Finnish Food Authority)
Electronic model test in English (Finnish Food Authority)
Hygiene Passport Test in Finnish
Model questions in Finnish (Finnish Food Authority)
Model questions and answers in Finnish (Finnish Food Authority)
Electronic model test in Finnish (Finnish Food Authority)
Hygiene Passport Test in Swedish
Model questions in Swedish (Finnish Food Authority)
Model questions and answers in Swedish (FInnish Food Authority)
Electronic model test in Swedish (Finnish Food Authority)