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Welcome to the Hygienepassport.fi service

On this webpage you can register for hygiene passport tests and online trainings (Finnish, English, Arabic). When you register for the test you can also register for the online training, order written material and training time to the Trainify.fi service (Finnish, English) to prepare for the test.

Hygienepassport.fi offers hygiene passport tests in many different languages all over Finland. Choose the best test place and time from the test listing and register.

Hygiene passport

Hygiene Passport is a certificate of one’s proficiency in food hygiene. One can get a Hygiene Passport by completing a hygiene passport test. Food hygiene proficiency is regulated by the food hygiene regulation (852/2004/EU), and the Food Act. Employees must have a Hygiene Passport if they handle unpackaged easily perishable foods at their workplace. For example cafeterias, restaurants, institutional kitchens, fast-food restaurants, food stores, and many factories manufacturing food are places where employees are required to have hygiene passports.

It is required that one must acquire a hygiene passport within three months of commencing work. These three months are retroactively calculated to also include such prior work in the food business in which a hygiene passport is required. Hygiene Passports issued in other countries are not valid in Finland.

The Hygiene Passport system is regulated  by the Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto).

Hygiene Passport Test

Get ready for the test by familiarizing yourself with the hygiene passport test’s subfields, by attending an online training, reading material on food hygiene and by practicing for the test on the Trainify.fi service.

The hygiene passport test consist of the following areas:

1. Microbiology

2. Food poisoning

3. Hygienic work practices

4. Personal hygiene

5. Sanitation

6. Own-check practices at food premises

7. Finnish Food Legislation and Authorities

The hygiene passport test includes 40 true/false statements. To complete the test successfully participants must score at least 34/40. The statements involve various sections of food hygiene. The person being tested marks an X in a box either for "true" or "false", depending on whether the person’s opinion agrees with that of the statement or not. There are both positive statements (of the type "one thing affects something") and negative statements (of the type "one thing does not affect something”).

Allocated answering time is 45 minutes in a normal test (Finnish, Swedish & English). There is no time limit in special situation tests (eg. translated languages or dictionary tests). One may leave the testing premises 20 minutes after the test has started, as soon as the examiner gives permission to leave.

Using an interpreter, taking a spoken test or a test in another language than Finnish, Swedish or English or other special arrangements are possible only in a special situation test. Special arrangements have to be agreed on beforehand with the instructor.

Please note that the instructor will check your identification in the test. Please bring an official valid identification with you.

Acceptable forms of identification are:

  • Finnish documents: An identification with a picture approved by an authority (Police) including an official identification card, passport and a Finnish driver's license (a moped license is also acceptable)
  • Other countries’ documents: Passport
  • An alien's passport and a refugee travel document
  • A stamped document, given by the police or Finnish Border Guard, which proves your passport is in the possession of an official. The document must include a copy of the passport.
  • Accepted by immigration office refugee, asylum seeker or other immigrant residence permit and resident card.
  • A refugee centres client card, including a picture and refugee's ID number

Please note that one can not prove their identity with for example

  • Expired driving licence, passport or ID card

  • Finnish Kela card with picture

  • Finnish military passport

  • Residency card (without passport)

  • Reception centre client card

  • Photocopies of ID cards, passports or other documents

  • Any form of identification on which it is easy to change the photo or is missing a name or a social security number

Once one passes the hygiene passport test, he or she can ask the tester to send a temporary certificate via email. The official Hygiene Passport will be posted within 2-5 weeks of the test date. If you don’t pass the test, you can take a renewal test at a reduced cost.