Osaamistehdas collects information about the service use by using cookies. The information is used in service development and delivering, personification and to target advertising and marketing. By continuing, you accept the use of cookies. See our update


Updated 18.1.2021


In order for us to serve you as best as we can, it requires that we collect and process some data about you. At the same time we appreciate your privacy and are committed to protecting it. This privacy policy includes the information on what personal data we collect, on what grounds we process it and what rights and possibilities to influence you have concerning your personal data.


Osaamistehdas Oy (Business ID 2571242-6) processes your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy and the applicable legislation, so we ask you to read this privacy policy carefully. We might update this privacy policy as our operation develops or as the legislation changes, so we ask you to visit this page from time to time.


By using our services, website or by contacting us, you accept and agree to us processing your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy. In case you do not accept or agree to this privacy policy, we most likely are unable to serve you. 


For what purpose is my personal data collected and processed?


We collect, store and process your personal data for predefined purposes only. The main purposes are:


  • The delivery, processing and archiving of orders

  • the implementation of our contractual obligations;

  • customer communications and handling contact requests;

  • developing our business; and

  • targeting our services to you

  • producing more personal and targeted content and marketing

  • preventing misuse 


What kind of personal data is collected and from what sources?


We collect personal data mainly from yourself when you contact us, or later when you are using our services. We also collect data from our website insights using the Google Analytics -service, so that we are able to analyze and develop our website for the better and target relevant marketing to the visitors.


The data we might typically get straight from you:


  • Identifying information or the information given by the user

    • Identifying information, name and birth date, language used on the service

  • Contact information such as address, email address and phone number

    • Payment information, including invoicing information

    • The test- and/or training registration information; time, language, place

    • The email address and signature used on Google- or Facebook-log in

  • Information that has been observed based on the usage of services and information derived from analytics

    • Purchase history, such as purchased items and their price information

    • Test results, registrations, test and training times and practice results

    • Shipping information, such as delivery method and delivery address

    • Product reviews

    • The usage data and browsing data of the online store and identifying data of end device

    • Other identifying information used to to produce targeted content

and product recommendations

On what grounds is the personal data being processed?


We make sure that we always have a ground required by law to process personal data concerning you. We might process the personal data on several different grounds. We process your data to implement the contract and to fulfil legal obligations. We also process your personal data on the grounds of our legitimate interest, which are the providing of our services and doing and developing our business. Some personal data we might process on the grounds of your consent.


Who is processing my data and is it given to third parties?


Your data is being processed mainly by the personnel of our company while doing their daily tasks. We might outsource some of the data processing to the information systems that save, store and process the data. In these cases we always make sure, e.g. by contract, that your data remains confidential and that your data is being processed in accordance with the legislation. We might also give the data otherwise obligated by contract or if the law or the competent authority requires it. We might also give the data if we were a part of a company- or asset deal.


Is my data being given outside of the EU?


In principle, your personal data is not given outside of the EU. The only possible disclosure of information would happen in situations, where the servers of our systems would be located outside of the EU. If this were to happen, we make sure that your data is being processed, transferred and stored in accordance with the grounds required by the law and with appropriate protection mechanisms. 


For how long is my personal data being stored?


We do not store your personal data longer than is necessary for its intended use or by the requirements of contracts and the law. The storage period may vary due to the intended use or the situation. We aim to update your data from time to time.


How is my personal data being stored and protected?


Your data is being stored on our service providers’ servers, which have been protected in accordance with the general protocol by the line of business. All of the data we collect and process are kept confidential and are indicated only to those who require it to do their job, or confidentially and limitedly to our customers on the grounds of the service agreement. The access to your personal data is protected with usernames, passwords and access rights per user.


Is giving my personal data mandatory? What happens if I don’t consent to giving my personal data?


By not giving your personal data or by not agreeing for the data to be processed, we most likely are not able to serve you, as we are unable to fulfil the purpose of our business. Therefore if you do not wish for us to process your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy, we kindly ask that you do not provide us any kind of personal data.


What are cookies and are they being used on the website?


We use cookies on our website in order for us to provide the best possible user experience for the website visitors. Cookies are short text files that the webserver stores to the user's end device. Cookies provide us information on how the website users use our website. We might use cookies to develop our services and our website, analyzing the website usage and targeting and optimising our marketing. The website user can give their consent to the usage of cookies or block the cookies on the settings of their web browser. Most of the web browsers allow cookies automatically. Please note that blocking cookies might limit the operability of our website.


What rights and possibilities to influence do I have?


Canceling the consent

If we are processing your data by your consent, you can cancel the consent at any time by sending us an email to tietosuoja@osaamistehdas.fi.


Access to the data

You always have a right to get a confirmation from us on whether we are processing your personal data and what personal data we are processing. In addition you also have the right to receive supplementary information about the grounds of processing of your personal data.


The right to correct your personal data

You have the right to request that we correct the faulty, outdated or otherwise inadequate data concerning you.


The right to prohibit direct marketing

You have the right to prohibit the processing of your data that would be used in direct marketing by sending us an email to tietosuoja@osaamistehdas.fi.

The right to resist processing of data

If we are processing your personal data on the grounds of general benefit or on the grounds of our legitimate interest, you have the right to resist the processing of your data when there is no considerable reason that would override your rights or when the processing is not necessary to deal with a legal claim. Please note that in this situation we most likely are unable to serve you.


The right to restrict processing

In certain situations, you have the right to demand that we restrict the processing of your personal data.


The right to receive the data in order to transfer it

If we are using your data on the grounds of your consent or to fulfil a contract, you have the right to receive the data that you have provided us electronically in a generally used form, so that the data can be transferred to another service provider.


How can I implement my rights?


You can implement the previously mentioned rights by contacting us via email, tietosuoja@osaamistehdas.fi. We kindly ask you to mention your name, address and phone number and to attach a copy of your passport, driver’s license or other form of identification, so that we can ensure your identity. If you feel that processing of your personal data is not in accordance with the law, you can also make a complaint to a competent supervisory authority.


Can this privacy policy be updated?


We might update this privacy policy in case our operation or the principle of data protection changes. Updates may also be made if the current law changes. The changes will take effect when we publish the updated privacy policy. We kindly ask you to read this privacy policy from time to time.


Where can I contact about the privacy policy issues?


Contact info:

Osaamistehdas Oy, Iso Roobertinkatu 20-22 A (5th floor), 00120 Helsinki

Phone number: 0400 809 009

Email: tietosuoja@osaamistehdas.fi