Hygiene Passport Training - Study with a Food Industry Professional

Home economics teacher Anja Pouttu is a food industry professional. She began as a Hygienepassport.fi Hygiene Passport trainer and examiner in 2014. Throughout her career, she has conducted over a thousand Hygiene Passport tests and trained numerous participants in Hygiene Passport training. We asked Anja a few specific questions related to Hygiene Passport training!

Hygiene Passport trainer tips: How to make the most of your training

We offer both two-hour and four-hour training sessions. How do these different durations of training differ from each other?

The training sessions vary in content depth and intensity. The four-hour training provides a more comprehensive coverage of topics, allowing for a deeper exploration of the content areas of the Hygiene Passport test. Participants can join the four-hour training even if they haven't had time to practice, study or complete practice tests in advance. They will also have the opportunity to take a 40-question practice test, which helps in preparing for the actual Hygiene Passport test.

On the other hand, the two-hour training sessions are more condensed, covering the topic areas more quickly. However, not all details can be covered as thoroughly as in the longer training session. The two-hour training sessions serve more as review sessions and are suitable for individuals with some prior knowledge or work experience in the field.

Nonetheless, everyone is welcome to participate in the training sessions without prior preparation! It is still recommended that participants thoroughly practice the topic areas and questions after the shorter training session to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the information.

Whom would you recommend Hygiene Passport training to and why?

I would recommend Hygiene Passport training to everyone planning to take a Hygiene Passport test. It is important to understand that the test should not be approached as a mere "trial" to see if one can pass or not. The purpose of the Hygiene Passport test is to ensure that food handlers have the necessary knowledge and competence in food safety. Food handlers bear a great responsibility for food safety. Through Hygiene Passport training, employees can acquire not only knowledge but also self-confidence and assurance in their work.

I particularly recommend Hygiene Passport training to those who benefit from having the learning material explained in detail. When topics are explained clearly and structured in the training, the learning material can be understood in a different way than when studying alone. The training provides deeper explanations of concepts, which can enhance understanding. I also connect the topics to practical work, aiding in the understanding of more comprehensive material.

How interactive is the training? Do participants have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in discussions? Is there a chance to take a practice test and review practice questions during the training?

Participants have the opportunity to ask questions during the training. Although there is limited time in the two-hour training, questions can always be asked if something remains unclear. Participants can also send questions through the chat during the sessions. Additionally, in the four-hour training, there is time to go through a 40-question practice test, which helps participants prepare for the Hygiene Passport test.

Do you have any tips on how participants can make the most out of the training?

1. Familiarize yourself with the topic beforehand! If you don't have prior knowledge of the food industry through work experience or studies, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the subject a bit beforehand, especially if you're attending the two-hour training. Understanding basic microbiology concepts, for example, can help you follow the training better.

Tip: Study the topics required for the Hygiene Passport test on the Trainify.fi website or purchase a book from our online store!

2. Focus on the training during the session. Try to fully concentrate on the training and avoid multitasking if possible. This will help you make the most of the information provided during the training.

What feedback have previous participants given about the training?

I have received positive feedback from participants about my training! Many have mentioned being inspired to learn more about the topic after the training. Participants particularly appreciate my clear and calm teaching and communication style. I have a strong background and deep understanding of the subject – and I'm genuinely passionate about teaching. I believe this enthusiasm resonates with the participants!

Sign up for Hygiene Passport training!

Hygienepassport.fi is the most comprehensive organizer of Hygiene Passport tests and training in Finland. Note that the training does not include a Hygiene Passport test. The training and test are paid for separately.

You can also sign up for our training while registering for the Hygiene Passport test. Our system suggests suitable training based on the test language, so you'll receive a tailored and customized training that meets your needs!

The training price is only 30 € for a two-hour session and 45 € for a four-hour session (incl. VAT 24%). Enroll in our online Hygiene Passport training today! See all of our upcoming training sessions here.